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Network Hacks Increase With Work-from-Home Adoption

Arctic Security, a Finnish Cybersecurity company, has recently conducted a study about the impact of Work-from-Home on the number of Network Cybersecurity Incidents in Finland. It was discovered that Finland usually sees around 200 network compromises per week. However, the country saw an increase to 800 incidents during the 3rd week of March. It was found that similar increases in network hacks were seen in countries such as Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Italy. All in all, over 10 000 companies were victims of network cybersecurity hacks in March of this year.

What are steps that you can take to protect yourself?

It is essential to keep your organization’s patch management up-to-date. Vulnerabilities such as CVE-2019-11510 exploit networks that do not have the latest patches on their devices. By keeping your devices patched, you ensure that you are protected from all the known vulnerabilities that have already been repaired by software developers.

Constantly monitor your devices for suspicious activity and logins. In the event that a device is compromised, time is a critical element in minimizing the damage that the attack can cause. If an incident is identified early, damage can be mitigated segmenting off your network and then identifying the extent of the breach. This can reduce the effectiveness of worm-capable malware, which can quickly spread over a company’s network after initial infection without any input from the victim.

Enable multifactor authentication on your devices. With the increase in VPNs and Remote access, it is essential that you keep your company accounts safe from unauthorized actors. By enabling MFA, you ensure that even if a cyberattacker has your credentials, they cannot access your account without access to your secondary device or your email.

Don’t fall victim to network cybersecurity attacks during this time. Contact us today at +1 888 366 4443 or email us at to get started with GIGE’s network experts today.